Monday, February 2, 2009

My Baby Turkey

I should have known my son would come on Thanksgiving. Since my husband's family and my family both live within 20 minutes of our townhouse, my husband and I were at a loss of what to do for Thanksgiving. We had visions of eating three turkey dinners (both my parents also have both families in the area) and my husband carting my pregnant ass out in a wheelbarrow. Fortunately, the conundrum was solved for us.

On my 37 week postpartum appointment (11/25/08) my blood pressure was ::slightly:: high, so my doctor decided to induce labor. I will save you the labor story, because I've found that unless it's someone you know intimately, labor stories can be kind of boring. I will just say this- I spent 24 hours in the hospital while they tried to induce labor, I had 4 doses of Cytotec, sweeping of the membranes (OUCH...hurt more than the contractions), and almost 10 hours of pitocin until finally the Dr. sent me home. 1 hour later, while getting some much needed sleep, my water broke and my husband and I were back at the hospital.

On Thanksgiving Day at 1:18 PM, my son James was born. He was and is a beautiful baby boy. At that moment my life changed forever, and for the better, even if it is much earlier than I ever expected it to happen. My husband and I are ecstatic for our new journey through parenthood (We're also pretty excited that we'll be in our early 40s when James starts college!). We certainly had something to be very thankful for this Thanksgiving.

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